Thursday, September 01, 2005

Friday Random 10 #4 Death, Divorce and Direction

Well, been a little under the weather,and with everything that has been happening this week, I need a little something to get me cheered up. So, I hit that good old random button of the music player of my choice and hope for some good old fashion, pick me up music...

Fat Chance... How about songs about loving from afar, loosing friends to violence, disasterous relationships, and well, facing North.

1. Goldilox by King’s X (Out of the Silent Planet)
"I stand behind you and I watch you from a mile away wishing you could be the one,but not here this way..."
2. Desire by Toad The Wet Sprocket (Coil)
"I want to be cruel, I want to be cold. I want a chance to sell my soul..."
3. Homeboys by Adam Again (Homeboys)
"...hang your head, and hide your eyes. Watch a 1,000 cars go by..."
4. Svengali by Steve Taylor (I Predict 1990)
"... he had the thin blue lips and a fingerless glove. He was a hunter for a prey to put his prints on..."
5. Walk of Life by Dire Staits (Money For Nothing)
"He do the song about the knife..."
6. All Along the Watchtower by U2 (Rattle and Hum)
" All I got is a red guitar. The rest is up to you..."
7. Teen Angst (What The World Needs Now) by Cracker (Cracker)
"what the world needs now is some true words of wisdom, like la,la,la,la,la,la,la..."
8. Tether to Tassel by LSU (Shaded Pain)
"You've pulled a sword from your purse to run me through..."
9. Bitter Price To Pay by Vigilantes of Love (Welcome to Struggleville)
"...I put a bullet through my tv, at the point blank range and your's is a bitter price to pay..."
10. Stand by REM (Green)
"...Your head is there to move you around..."


Kimberly Cangelosi said...

Ah, misery loves company so I'm loving this post...

Who is King X? Sounds kinda familiar but I can't place 'em.

Walk of Life is pretty sunny stuff for Knopfler.

He got the action, he got the motion
Yeah, the boy can play
Dedication, devotion
Turning all the night time into the day...

And after all the violence and double talk
There’s just a song in the trouble and the strife
You do the walk, you do the walk of life

Hope you feel better soon!

Anonymous said...

I didn't know you had I Predict on disc! Or did I? Well, I don't think I did... anyway, you've foiled me again, drawing an artist I thought I alone would have on my list this week.

King's X is possibly one of the best power trios around, and Goldilox is indubitably one of their finest, earliest classics (from about 1987, Bob? - I can't recall off the top of my head). Anyway, it's great stuff; the first ten years of their catalog would qualify as some of the best unlabeled Christian rock around.

And btw Bob, do you happen to have an extra compass to help me along?