Friday, August 26, 2005

Friday’s Random 10 #3 God, Girls and Ghosts

Something's possessed the old music box, forcing it to spit out songs randomly about love gone wrong, love a bit too right, the love of God, and being haunted by everything from the ghost of a small boy, to your past sins. Damn spirits...

1. So Cruel by U2 (Actung Baby) “The men who love you, you hate the most. They pass right through you like a ghost…”
2. Blue Sky by The Queue (Fallout)
3. Move Me by King’s X (Please Come Home, Mr. Bulbous) “With nothing to hate, I am lonely and unholy…”
4. You Make My Heart Beat Too Fast by Buddy and Julie Miller (Buddy and Julie Miller) “You make me want your affection. We need to make a connection…”
5. I Radio Heaven by Over The Rhine (films for radio) “this song is grinning, go on and undress it…”
6.. Chance for the Chancers by Poor Old Lu (A Picture of the Eight Wonder}“before the night is thru, this is all going to make sense…”
7. Passing This Train by Lisa Cerbone (Mercy) “We've got haunted hearts, and every time I walk through yours, I just get lost in the dark.“
8. Super Girl by Michael Knott (Strip Cycle) “She Tries Everything Before It‘s In. She Want‘s You to Just Begin to Curl…”
9. Deep by Adam Again (Dig) “Girl Ghost in the stairway, she loves it when I rub my eyes…”
10. Down Goes the Day by Chris Taylor “’I’m moving on,’ said the lady to her man
time uses up the vision and the headline…”

1. Songs Without Labels: The Queue is a local Philly band. Some may remember its quirky front man, Jeff Thomas, as the man who headed The Frogs/Mightyhead. For more interesting independent music, check out Ookla the Mok, a catchy "Frogs" like Band who had an album produced by the aforementioned Jeff Thomas. Also, for any Twitchen Vibes fans, Charlie has a bunch of demos and such located here: King Bonk.

2. Percentage of the Performers I have seen live: 85%. I haven't seen The Queue, or Buddy Miller, but I have seen Julie Miller.

3. Favorite Ghostly Lyrics: There is something quite haunting about Passing the Train especially for such a quirky and catchy album, it sort of sneaks up on you.

Find out what Ghosts possessed Smedley's music box.


Kimberly Cangelosi said...

Great list this week! It's kind of weird to remember that So Cruel was one of my favorite U2 songs in high school. Guess it was all the angst in the air!

I like the book reviews too, I'll have to check out Family Trade.

Anonymous said...

Lisa Cerbone, wow, the one from La Tazza, right? How many years ago was that?

And I still think "So Cruel" is a great song. Not your typical U2 radio fare, but still a great tune.

And finally, Jeff is still at it, huh? I gotta' get out to see that show.

Anonymous said...

... but man, I really miss the Frogs.

Bob said...

Yeah, I recently rediscovered the Lisa Cerbone CD, and I think I like it more now than when we first heard her.

And yeah, I miss The Frogs. I'd kill to get some of those old songs somewhere.