Tuesday, July 05, 2005

How I Spent My Patriotic Vacation

Yesterday, of course was the 4th of July. I hope everyone had a safe and fun time.

I spent my day with family, and various friends who visited. One of my guys from work, Jimmy Johnson, visited. Jimmy is a 31 year old resident of Woods Services who suffered a traumatic brain injury as a child. He is one of the most positive and energetic people I have ever know, despite his limitations. Over the past few months we have been writing out Jimmy’s many ideas into a Journal, including various songs, and other fun tidbits. When he came over yesterday he wanted me to type out all his ideas and we decided to create a “blog” version of them. Check them out at Jimmy’s Idea Book. Pay special attention to his Camp Stinky Theme song, which we have been writing together for a while. Feel free to add your own verse, leave a comment, or drop Jimmy an email.

Also, check out his new Superhero we designed yesterday, PACO ROBOTO.

Also, if your feeling that Live 8, 4th of July let down, and are in the Langhorne area on Wednesday, stop by Woods Services for the annual Independence Day Parade. Now, basically this consist of a few Patriotic floats, a couple of horses and the clients marching (and wheeling) through the main Woods Services thoroughfare. This event was postponed due to rain and now will be held this Wednesday (July 6th) at 6:00PM.

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