Friday, September 16, 2005

Friday Random 10 #5 Pause, Prayer and Progress

It's time for that Friday Random 10 where you risk it all on one spin of the old music randomizer in hopes that you get a nice selection of moving tunes to dance to...

1. I Could Be Wrong by Vigilantes of Love (Summershine)
“…and when you're saying goodbye bye bye why are your lips so moist…”
2. Unfunny by Adam Again (Perfecta)
“…is the dagger in your cloak, or hiding in that joke you making…”
3. F. People by Ooklah the Mook
“Show a little compasion for Michael Jackson…”
4. Can I Take My Gun to Heaven by Cracker (Cracker)
…if I had a women who was faithful, or even kind some of the time, I’d drag her on up to the gates of heaven, or follow her right down to the gates of hell…”
5. A Certain Love by The Lost Dogs (Real Men Cry)
“I took a drink of a long dark night, then drunk on doubt I cursed the light…”
6. Progress by Midnight Oil (Scream in Blue Live)
“…Manhattanization is coming, open your eyes if you dare…”
7. Down to the River to Pray by Alison Kraus (O’ Brother, Where Art Thou?)
“…and who should wear the robe and crown?”
8. Lulu Land by Camper Van Beethoven (Camper Van Beethoven)
“How can you lose when you live in the past? Nothing can happen that happens to fast…”
9. The Hollow by The Prayer Chain (Shawl)
“…because, there are no flowers, no lace, no crystal dreams and many chains…”
10. Pregnant Pause by Daniel Amos (Mr. Buechner’s Dream … And So It Goes)
“…here is a pregnant pause… while we wonder if the devil is laughing…”

Best Word: Manhattanization. Today's goal is to try to naturally slip that one into a conversation at work. I'd also have to say that Progress is my favorite song on the list, especially the live version.

Best Southern Fried Poetry: #4. Cracker has a way of twisting country concepts into odd little directions.

More later....


Anonymous said...


I've been in love with Can I Take My Gun to Heaven since first listen, which you already knew, but this is a really versatile list -- a lot to like on this one...

Kimberly Cangelosi said...

Great list and the snippets of lyrics make for fun reading! I think Lost Dogs have my vote for best snippet this time, though Manhattanization is pretty awesome too.