Saturday, August 13, 2005

Just a Bit Beyond Friday's Random 10

Of course, my good friend Howard encouraged me to do this. Hopefully I didn't violate any unwritten code of bloggers by posting this a bit late...

So the concept, is basically rack up your MP# Player/Media Player, set it to random and see what it gives you. Until recently, my selection has been too limited to even attempt, but I have enough music saved to make the attempt without it being all from the same artists. My first attempt was pretty successful, even though there were a few, let's say subtle artist repeats. See if you can catch them (Hint: One individual appears on 3 selections, yet 3 different bands)

1. Sad Face -- The Choir (Live at Cornerstone 2000)
2. Manic Depression -- King's X (Dogman)
3. Boy With the Coins -- Camper Van Chadbourne (CVB & Eugene Chadbourn Collaboration/Self Titled)
4. Disco (Love Grapes) -- Swirling Eddies (Zoom Daddy)
5. Perfect Blue Buildings -- Counting Crows (August and Everything After)
6. Po Lazarus -- James Carter and The Prisoners (O Brother, Where Art Thou Soundtrack)
7. Dixie Babylon -- Cracker (The Golden Age)
8. Sailors -- Vigilantes of Love (Summershine)
9. You Satisfy -- Lost Dogs (The Best of The Lost Dogs)
10. And So It Goes -- Daniel Amos (Mr. Buechner's Dream)

Favorite Song -- Dicso (Love Grapes): Tough Choice here, but the whole Zoom Daddy Album is one of my personal favorites.
Least Favorite Song -- Sad Face: Never Been A Huge Choir Fan, butr this one is slow and somber and slow and slow
Weirdest Song -- Boys With Coins: Camper can be Weird, yet the collaboration needs a new word to describe it's oddity.
Favorite Album: August and Everything After: Another Close One, Zoom Daddy was probably the closest, yet most of the albums on this list were not what I consider the best by that particular artist, although Dogman was definatly a great album.

Check Out Howard's List


Anonymous said...

First, the Dogman stuff all rocks
Second, this is the first FRT mention I've ever seen of the Swirling Eddies (and I have been looking)
Third, I don't know if I should answer your special question there, but here's a partial answer (though I won't say which three bands he's in): Terry Scott Taylor

Of course, there's the other guy who appears in just two separate bands on the list...

Good list.

Kimberly Cangelosi said...

Is Gene Eugene the other guy?

Bob said...

Yeah, Gene is was in The Swirling Eddies and The Lost Dogs. Terry of course was in Lost Dogs, The Swirling Eddies and Daniel Amos.

Now, it's a bit tricky after that. David Lowery is a member of Cracker and Camper Van Beethoven, but only appeared on a few tracks of the Eugene Chadbourne/CVB colloboration. He wasn't on the Boys With Coins track.

Bob said...

I should also add that bassist Victor Krummenacher also played with Cracker on the album forever, but not on The Golden Age, and was a memeber of Camper Van Chadbourne.

With all the "band swapping" this can get confusing.

Kimberly Cangelosi said...

Um, that is confusing. I remember Cracker. Sorta remember Camper Van Beethoven. Never heard of Camper Van Chadbourne.

The Friday's Random 10 thing is a great idea...I'm almost scared to see what would come up on mine!

Anonymous said...


I wasn't even thinking of Gene when I left that comment, and he's the one I tend to appreciate the most (maybe because I never got to see him play, so there's that mystique).

The guy I was originally thinking of was Derri Daugherty, who even without the mystique, is a pretty cool guy...

Bob said...

Yep, Derri!! The Choir and The Lost Dogs!!