Thursday, August 18, 2005

Friday's Random 10 #2

Once again, it's time to warm up the old music box and switch on the random lever and see which devil- songs pop out. Basically, it's the Friday Random 10. Let's see what evil machinations we have for today

1. Amber Waves Goodbye by The Lost Dogs (The Best of the Lost Dogs)
2. Within Without (Rough Mix) by Over The Rhine (Besides)
3. Militia Song by Camper Van Beethoven (New Roman Times)
4. Can’t You Feel The Chains by Chagall Guevara
5. Resume by Vigilantes of Love (Welcome to Struggleville)
6. When The Water Falls by Collective Soul
7. Cabin Down Below by Tom Petty (Wild Flowers)
8. Devil’s Haircut by Beck (Odelay)
9. Burnie by Midnight Oil (Scream in Blue Live)
10. Never Gonna Change by Drive By Truckers (The Dirty South)

Well, I guess I need to discuss:

Favorite Song: Resume, one of VOL's oldies but goodies. And one that is always called for at concerts causing Bill to groan and give a dirty death stare to his audience.

Best All Around Album which never got enough recogintion: Chagall Guevara's self titled and only title. Steve and the boys blamed their lack of success on a weird name, I say that quality scares people.

Favorite Song Inspired by the Unibomber: Militia Song. CVB's reunion theme album New Roman Times was my choice for best album of 2004, and songs like this one were why!! It also has my favorite lyric of the set:
I'm the only bomber that you'll ever need
Keep the commie Californians from repressing me

I can't pick a least favorite song, because there really all very good this week. Drive By Truckers is one of my newest musical interests, and Collective Soul's self titled offering was probably my favorite of their albums. And no one sings quite like Karin Berquist.

Check Out some other FRT's especially Howard's and Kim's.


Anonymous said...

Curses! -if it hadn't been for you, I'd have been the only one to reference Chagan Guehura in my random ten list. (I'm not sure of the spelling, so forgive me if I got it wrong...)

And really, what were the chances (I have a nasty tendency to draw random selections from songs put on my computer by my niece...)?

But really, I'd have to dig back through the archives to see if I've ever gotten them before -- I think I may have, prior to today.

Kimberly Cangelosi said...

I have some Steve Taylor tapes, what do you do with tapes? I guess I need to update. I wrote a short story based on "I Blew up the Clinic Real Good." People didn't really get it.

Mallonee has inspired a short story too. More of a vignette, really. About digging through his trash stalker-style. Why is everybody suddenly looking at me funny? It was FICTION, I swear!

Anonymous said...

You and Steve both had the same problem with that subject, Kim. I'd probably enjoy it, though...

Also, on the subject of tapes, there are programs and periphery devices that allow them to transfer to digital format. I haven't dabbled in that myself, but I have it on fairly decent authority that it can be done...

Kimberly Cangelosi said...

Hmmm, periphery devices you say? I think I'll check Amazon first... ;)

Fortunately, disgust at the act of blowing up an abortion clinic tends to transcend ideological differences.

I shared the story in a writing class and I was gratified to see, in the comments I got back, that folks were as likely to assume I was pro-choice as pro-life.

Maybe I'll post it in on Ktrayn78, or start a writing blog or something.