Tuesday, July 26, 2005

So, What's Happening?

Well, I've been lazy. It's been a crazy week, and I've neglected my duties here at Thistles. So, here is a What's Happening sort of all encompasing post.

Yesterday was my Sister-in-Law's Birthday. Happy Birthday Gina!!!!

First, Harry-mania hast struck the world. Again. Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince took the book world by storm. Not too shocking. I have a friend who works at a bookstore, and from what i here, it was insane. As with the book itself. yes, I, 31 year old male Bob, have read it. I bought it on Monday, had it finished by Wednesday, and did my duty to save bookstore clerks everywhere by lending it out right away. I will be writing a full review soon, along with a mini-paperback review of the other 4 books I've finished in the past 2 weeks.

If you haven't read the story about Catherine Baker Knolls unfortunate actions at a Fallen soldiers funeral, well, I'm not going to spell it out for you, so check here (yep, lazy) I have always had the utmost respect for the women, even during my more right leaning younger days. She has been a dedicated public servant who has served my state well for many years. MANY years. Yep, basically the women is getting a bit old, and maybe has lost some of the couth of a more polishe polititcian. What she said was insensative, but I don't believe it was intentionally insensative. She has always been a more bureaucratic public servant and maybe this current ceromonial position doesn't suit her as well. That being said, I don't think she should resign, as some right wing groups have called for. She should take her lumps and make her apologies, then get about doing her job with the integrity she has shown before this incident.

The President has made his choice. While I will be keeping an eye on the proceedings as they move forward, you had to love the dancing of young Jack Roberts. The kid has moves. I think I see a Fox Reality show in his future. Hopefully we'll see more dancing Jack in the future. He's the perfect device for ole' W. People will be so distracted by little Jacks dancing they won't even pay attention to what George has to say.

It's been a pretty good couple of weeks for NASA. After taking a big PR hit with the shuttle cancelation, today they had a nice successful event free lift off. That and the comet striking rockett success makes me hope that we haven't given up on space exploration. I know we have a lot of issues here on earth, but with such a vast universe, who knows what potentials await.

I woke up this morning to yet another LA car chase. Usually, I have no interest. The idiot usually heads straight for the highway and drives fast. Yet, speed won't help you allude the police when they know exactly where you're going. This one though was more fascinating. The idiot was racing through urban areas at fast speed, swerving into oncoming traffic and nearly slamming into a bus. During the chase, one CHP cruiser lost control and slammed into a building, going right through it. Luckily, the officer was OK, and no one was hurt seriously. Also, thanks to DVR, I could rewind the scene and watch it in slow motion. Here's a nice image of it:

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Well, look for a few reviews this week and some other updates. And, drop me a line.

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